First registered: 06.05.2003
Vehicle type: Truck firefighting vehicle
Manufacturer: MAN Commercial Vehicle
Type and version: T31 19.414 FLC - 2000 Evolution
Drive type: 6-cylinder diesel engine, automatic transmission
Power: 301 kW
Displacement: 11,967 cc
Construction: Firefighting vehicle (LF24)
Total mileage: 95,307 km
Next main inspection: 05.2024
Dimension length: 8,850 mm
Permissible total weight: 18,000 kg
Number of seats: 9
Front tires: winter tires 315/80 R22.5 / tread depth 5.0 mm / 6.0 mm
Rear tires: winter tires 315/80 R22.5 / tread depth 8.0 mm / 10.0 mm
Special equipment:
- Group cabin with 2 holders for breathing apparatus integrated in the seat
- Equipment structure with 7 equipment compartments and roof loading MAGIRUS AluFire structure
- Built-in fire extinguishing centrifugal pump FP 24/8
- Built-in pulling device/cable winch with pulling force 50 kN (Rotzler Treibmatic)
- Built-in fire extinguishing water tank with 1,570 litre capacity
- Built-in foam tank with 180 litre capacity
- Built-in generator 15.9 kVA with diesel engine PANDA PVMV 15
- Built-in light mast, light point height: 5.6 m above ground
- Air suspension on the rear axle
- Rotational chain system (RUD) on the rear axle
- Special signal system
- Backup camera
- Rear warning system with 5 yellow double flashing lights